We got off to an early start today. Bryan's primary project was applying a primer coat to the interior of the cabinet boxes. The project began and Bryan felt a little loopy - this is perhaps because of the fact that we are using a lacquer undercoat and the fumes are a bit much (even with all of the windows open and several fans to help with the exhaust. I convinced Bryan that it was time to head to the Home Depot (because really, what day is complete without a trip to the Home Depot?) to purchase a respirator. Bryan quickly learned that he was a fan of this piece of equipment and even was now all smiles.
Here Bryan is mixing the undercoat to apply to the cabinets.
Cat enjoyed another rough day resting in the sun. Despite the fact that the screen door was propped open for her she preferred to use the entrance she created in the window screen a few weeks ago. She's so smart.
And really roughing it. :)
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