Sunday, May 07, 2006

In search of greener grass...

What is it about human nature that challenges us to seek something that we don't have; a quest at the cost of appreciation of what we do have?

It's a question that has provided some contemplation for me these past few weeks as it seems to be a recurring conversation...

...a friend who repeatedly states she is envious of where I am in my career at my age. Yet, she is younger than I, completing her Masters Degree (something I do not have) and is recently married (and I haven't had a boyfriend for years).

...a friend from high school who has advanced degrees from a top tier university has similar comments...

...a friend who is currently expecting her second child and approaching her 5 year wedding anniversary...

...the situations could continue to be listed; yet, I won't. I'm struck most by the fact that these folks are not able to see the good that is existing in their own lives. That is not to say that I have similar moments in my own life. True, I have pursued career advancements over personal relationships. At the time, these have been the right choices. Certainly, at some point in the future I would welcome a relationship and eventually a family. For the moment, I know that I am blessed to lead the life that I lead and given the opportunity, I will help others to see the same in their own lives.

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