As much as I wish it were so, this blog is not about a Ford F150 or any of it's diesel cousins.
No, this is the true ramblings of another sort of pick-up...a pick-up West Texas style.
Two Saturdays ago I had found my way to a local sports pub to meet up with a co-worker and his wife. We had picked the evening and place to match wits playing BuzzTime Trivia.
I arrived at the pub and was greeted by a familiar face, a colleague that works for a business that I work with often. We exchanged pleasantries and I went my way and he went his. (For the sake of this post I'll call him Mr. Cowboy - since he was at the pub to watch the Dallas Cowboys game)
Now, another friend had told me that Mr. Cowboy was interested in me. Because of the nature of our working relationship I don't want to actively pursue a relationship. But I'll be the first to admit that a little flirting is good for the ego. However, after hearing some of his lines...oh dear!
During a pause in our BuzzTime Trivia Challenge Mr. Cowboy visited our table. He indicated that he wanted to buy me a drink, so he put $5 down on the table and walked away.
Odd, most guys I know actually buy the drink rather than put money on the table.
At the next pause in game play Mr. Cowboy comes back to join us. It is clear that he has had another drink or two during the previous round (btw, at this point, I am currently the point leader...probably because I have had my one drink and called it quits for the night). During this visit Mr. Cowboy explains that he is at the pub with his ex-girlfriend, an ex-girlfriend with excellent fringe benefits. He disappears for the next round of play.
Current game has ended and Mr. Cowboy reappears with "ex-girlfriend/friend-with-really-good-fringe-benefits". Mr. Cowboy tells the gal that he has bought me a drink and that is why there is a five dollar bill on the table. "Really?", she exclaims. "You need to put more than that down." He agrees and another $5 bill is placed on top of the original bill. Mr. Cowboy and gal disappear for the start of the next game.
My friends and I cannot help but chuckle at this point. Seriously, this is good live action comedy.
Round 1 of the next game finishes and Mr. Cowboy reappears without the gal. This time he is ready for more conversation and he primes it so well..."Sue, I have always thought of you as 27 going on 40."
Sheesh. I don't think I really need to say more about the evening. I will say that I have to hear the end of it from my Amarillo chums. Apparently they have never known one who has been the recipient of such an odd set of pick-up lines. Oh well, at least there were laughs to be shared. So, in the interest of keeping you non-Amarilloans in touch with the wacky life of Sue...yeah, I had to share.
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