Saturday, January 06, 2007

I know that guy!

Hey, I know that guy! That's what I said as I watched the newest MasterCard commercial featuring Peyton Manning as a clumsy mover pushed an upright piano out the back of a moving truck. (You can watch the commercial by clicking here and choosing the commercial Die Hard Peyton.) I did a quick google search and found contact information for the guy I believed the mover to be, sent a quick email, and sure enough my suspicions were confirmed. It was the guy I spent time on stage with. Ok, honestly he was generally the lead and I was some sort of organic movable scenery, but I was on stage at the same time!

Still not sure who the mover is? CHS class of '98 should recognize this guy. Do you give up? Here's the answer.


KelliG said...


I know that guy too! Good for Andy..I didn't recognize him at first, but he has aged well. I so glad I found your blog! I just caught up on your life in the last year!

We missed you at Christmas...I hope all is well in Texas. It is cold as hell in Chicago!


KelliG said...


I know that guy too! Good for Andy..I didn't recognize him at first, but he has aged well. I so glad I found your blog! I just caught up on your life in the last year!

We missed you at Christmas...I hope all is well in Texas. It is cold as hell in Chicago!
