Monday, February 12, 2007

Video editing

Anyone who has been able to contact me the past few days has probably heard me talk about my editing project for our upcoming symphony announcement event. As part of the grand extravanganza our staff decided that we wanted a video that would recap the history of the symphony and the background of the search process that has taken 18 months. (Honestly, no one wanted to stand in front of an audience of 900 and tell this story; besides a video would allow us to include quirky historic photos) This original idea (and budget) included hiring someone to create this video masterpiece that would be projected on a 40x30 foot screen. That was the idea.

Unfortunately, a series of events intervened and resulted in Sue (a very inexperienced video editor) capturing this part of history in the montage. The link below is the result of my exhausting efforts. Not bad for a first go, but there are things I would change if I could do it differently.


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