Sunday, March 04, 2007

In service

This morning I served as a lector for Mass at my parish. I have served as a lector before, but this was the first time here in Amarillo.

My first memory of lectoring is from the second grade. Mrs. Krogman selected me to read for an all-school Mass. Why do I not forget this particular lectoring experience? Perhaps because my reading was from the book of Deuteronomy. That's a big word for anyone, especially an 8-year old.

While on a mission trip in Appalachia I read the scripture for a Thanksgiving serive at a mission parish. A small group of people gathered with a great amount of spirit. Powerful.

Reading the scripture is act of proclamation, sharing the word with the faithful. There are those rare occassions when we know that the words ring true with the assembled. The '01 Streams of Living Water Symposium provided one of those experiences...

The personal experiences are good. They are faith affirming. But that is not why we do it. It is a service. A service to our Church, a service to our Church family.

It's good to be serving in this capacity again.

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