Saturday, December 22, 2007

Family Gathering

Today we gathered as a larger family to celebrate the Christmas holiday. This is one of my favorite pictures from the day. How can one not be taken by these faces? My brother, now the compassionate care-giver, my cousin so proud of the little one he holds, and my nephew wondering why everyone is so interested in's a little Kodak moment.

Also high on the list of photoworthy moments is this image.
Count 'em up. This image includes five generations. Yes, that's five. Ok, it's not a true five generation picture, but it's close enough for me. Grandma Hennie certainly enjoyed holding the newest addition to our clan. Did you know his name is an homage to the matriarch of our family? Ask her how she feels about that and the subsequent nickname. Oh my!

Yes, I know this is not the most photographic of moments, but hey...did I mention that it represents FIVE generations of our family? You must admit that is pretty darn cool and you will forgive the lack of composition in the image.

Hey, also take a moment and look out the window, yes, that's right you can see the green grass. The day we celebrated Christmas was a green midwestern day. Don't worry there was snow later that night and our Christmas was ultimately white.

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