Ok, truth be told I did trigger the trip down memory lane - to elicit a much needed smile. However, Jackie did support this trip down memory lane - because, well, heck everyone needs a laugh. Truth be told, I support the telling of such stories because it emphasizes that projects like the elephant are not one time adventures, oh no - such goofiness is a regular part of my existence. Now does that make me more or less crazy? Eh, what does it really matter. I have fun and it does not take much to amuse me. If I get really ambitious I might share the story of Henry the lobster on this blog. I'm sure Chiara would appreciate that trip down memory lane. Ok, yeah, maybe I am a wee bit crazy. Isn't there paperwork around to support that theory?
Being a highly evolved staff with years of RA experience amongst ourselves we decided to recreate the Mr. Potato Head game on our non-existent budget. The parallel between Mr. Potato Head and life as an RA would be complete as we would take the opportunity to explain the Mr. Potato Head is only complete when he has all of his parts; likewise an RA is complete only when he or she incorporates all aspects of his or her life - that no component is neglected. (On a side note, I seem to recall a Mr. Potato Head game that incorporated dice and pieces of the Tater Man; however, now that I google the game I can find nothing of the sort. Perhaps we were really creative and made the game up. In our version of the game each number on the dice let the player and a certain part of the potato man - eyes, ears, arms, feet, nose, mouth, hats. We were very creative folks afterall.)
Clearly, if one saw a poster with such amusing graphical components they could not resist smiling. Yeah, crazy we were, but much fun we had.
I never saw these Mr. Tater photos! I bet it wasn't as much fun as the night Mandy and I raised the roof!
That game does exist. I have it! I use it with my kindergarten...you want to use it in collage. Hmm...
Ahhh ha! I knew it was not imagining it - the game I mean. Besides, I thought you might be amused by a Mr. Potato Head post. :)
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