Thursday, August 25, 2011

Why did we buy marble for our bathroom now?

It's a valid question, why did we buy marble for our bathroom? We have yet to start the project and it's not even on the list of shortrange projects (at least, it was not at the beginning of last week.)

However, sometimes you have to seize an opportunity.

This is the marble we purchased. (Note the value price!)

If we would have purchased the same piece of marble across town at the other store location this is the price we would have paid.

Yes, both prices are for a 12x12 piece of marble.

The savings...almost 99%! How can we refuse a deal like that?

Sometimes home remodelers must seize the opportunity - and yes, the bathroom reno is now on the short range list (if only to be able to move the pallet of marble out of the house!)

1 comment:

Steve said...

We use it for the decoration purpose , & make it good to see,
Thank for the post
Home Remodeler Software