Friday, May 13, 2011

Bringing home Julian

I'm not sure if you know this or not, but my husband can be a bit of a softie. Yes, this burly man has a soft spot for cats. When I first met Bryan, he had "Cat", however, Cat was not the first friend of Bryan - you should ask him about his other cat friends.

Anyway, I digress.

As you may recall, we are making some changes around here. As part of that change, we are walking every night after dinner. Each night, our walk takes us past the Bivins home on 16th. On Tuesday night, Bryan spotted a small kitten in front of the bushes on the edge of the property. It was clear that this kitten was abandoned and very young.

Bryan spent the next 20 minutes trying to extract this small ball of fur from underneath the bushes.

He finally emerged with a terrified and hungry kitten, and many scrapes and cuts on his own arms and legs.

Inspired by the location of the rescue, we decided to name the kitten, Julian. This is picture of the slightly terrified Julian upon arrival at our home.

It was clear to us that Julian had not eaten in several days. We were able to feed Julian, and yes, even needed to give Julian a sponge bath. (Let's just say this kitten has earned the nickname StinkButt!)

By Thursday evening, Julian was starting to feel a bit more comfortable around us. Julian enjoyed some playtime with us, seems to be eating and "functioning" regularly.

Now, Cat has not been at all sure about this process. Tonight we thought it was a good time to introduce the two. During the day, Julian is staying in our bedroom and Cat is free to roam the house and lawn. We don't think it would be the best idea to have the two meet on their own.

We were a little surprised by how the two reacted upon meeting this evening. Cat approached Julian slowly, and it was Julian who rapidly closed the gap. However, this is all the closer the two got before it was clear that Cat was bored with the whole adventure and moved on. In the house, Cat is avoiding the master bedroom and the idea that Julian might be residing here. In time, I think they will become good friends. (At least they better, or life around our house could become challenging!)

Yes, I think Julian has found a place in our hearts, and a place to live on Bowie Street. Now, say it with me.....Awwwwwww!


Fran said...

See how important it is to walk every night - it has it's rewards.
Julian is a very lucky kitty.
Welcome to the family :)

Erin said...

I am in love!!!

aGalNamedSue said...

Erin, yes, you should be in love! He's a cutie, and most times, a stinker!