Sunday, July 17, 2011

The home remodeling continues!

It's true. Just because we finished the kitchen remodel, does not mean that we have ended the quest to remodel our entire home.

For example, a few weeks ago, I left for work and there was a double divided light window in the garage room (it will have a better name eventually - honest!)

The view of the garage room window when I left for work that day...

A few short hours later, the project was finished. :)

I'm assured that yes, it was really as easy as that. Ok, most likely not - I've seen the pile of debris that the project created and the receipts from Home Depot.

This project marked the beginning of our exterior renovations.

In the next edition of the White's "This Old House", the siding gets replaced!


Erin said...

Loved this post!!!

"This Old House!!!"""

you slay me. tty soon.

aGalNamedSue said...

Erin, glad we could entertain you! There have been further enhancements on this project. I'm overdue for an update post!